Leading Out Prisoners to Prosperity

The redemption of God is past, present and future.  When Jesus died on the cross he said, “It is finished,” and yet we are being redeemed daily and in the future, when we are finally raptured to the Lord, to live and reign with him, our redemption will be complete.

When you get saved, your soul is redeemed from death. But there is still so much work to be done.  Your mind must be renewed so that you can have the mind of Christ.  You must shed off old habits that you had in the kingdom of darkness. Your speech also begins to be changed and on and on it goes.  You are a new creation and you are becoming a new creation.  

Even though we as believers have understood the redemptive plan of God in most areas, we have not understood it where our finances are concerned.  In this area many continue to struggle and to sit in darkness, bound by the enemy who will not let finances out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

There is a fierce war being waged for the money! Make no mistake.  The devil needs the wealth of this world to finance his agenda.  Who would have thought that we would live in a day when the government finances or funds abortion? And yet in the USA planned parenthood receives government funding.

The gay agenda has also received plenty of government support around the world and even here in Kenya, where the government is NOT funding them, they have received funding from various international organizations to push their agenda forward.  The kingdom of darkness needs money to advance their agenda and they will do everything in their power to get it.

The Kingdom of light also needs money to finance its agenda.  The gospel must be preached to the ends of the earth and missionary work takes money.  Christian TV stations require funds to run, Churches require funds to run, Charity organisations require funds to run and on and on it goes.  In order to further our agenda, we need money too. And so the war for the money rages on in the spirit realm and in the physical realm.

G0d’s Redemption Plan for the Money

God has a plan for redeeming the wealth of this world so that it can be used in his Kingdom.  His plan is to prosper his own people who can then finance and champion godly causes.  Unfortunately, there has been a lie propagated through the years that said that poverty brings humility which in turn brings us closer to God.  Not so! Poverty and humility are not necessary two peas in a pod.  I have met poor people full of pride and rich ones full of humility.

Part of the redemption plan of God is to bring you out with the wealth assigned to you for the fulfillment of your purpose.  For many of us saints, our portion has been snatched away by our enemy the devil and where money is concerned, we have become like prisoners sitting in a dungeon.

Some are sitting in the dungeon of poverty, others the dungeon of debt, and others the dungeon of just enough. It is time for the redemptive work of the cross to be applied to our finances so that all these prisoners can be brought out into prosperity. However, coming out will be a step by step journey with the Lord.  He is committed to doing his part, and the greater part was already finished at Calvary, but we must also do our part.

I will expound on this topic as we move along.  In the meantime, meditate on this verse, with special emphasis on the middle line:

Psalm 68:6 ESV

God settles the solitary in a home;
    he leads out the prisoners to prosperity,
    but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.”


I pray for all your children bound in the dungeon of just enough, of debt and of poverty among others, that you will begin to stir within them the need to come out of these prisons and to step out into your prosperity.  I hear in the spirit realm a rattling and a shaking as the chains prepare to fall off your children.  Lord, let your will be done.  Bring a mighty redemption in the area of finances in Jesus name.  A breakthrough and an avalanche that no one can stop for the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church!!  In Jesus name I pray, Amen!


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